Brussels, 30 January 2025 – Clinical studies are a vital instrument to validate medical research and science, and can result in innovative medicines and treatments, however often they do not take account of underserved populations and communities in Europe.
The new European READi project will promote less fragmented and more democratic clinical studies by engaging key stakeholders and fostering a more cohesive and integrated clinical study ecosystem. The six-year project, supported by the Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU), kicked off earlier this month, on 16 January 2025, in Madrid, Spain. HL7 Europe is one of 73 organisations across 18 countries participating in READi.
“HL7 Europe is excited to participate in this important initiative that will impact and improve inclusiveness and representation of underserved and underrepresented populations in clinical research across Europe” says Catherine Chronaki, General Secretary, HL7 Europe.
In the project, HL7 Europe will contribute to standards alignment and interoperability as well as communication, sustainability, and stakeholder engagement. Specifically, HL7 Europe will focus on the project’s digital platform, its architecture and implementation, and ensure alignment with HL7® FHIR and other standards across initiatives.
READI will help underserved and underrepresented communities overcome barriers to clinical study participation, such as lack of information or awareness, mistrust, poor communication, geographic limitations, and prejudice. In turn, this will enhance research on many diseases and conditions, improve preventative care and treatment effectiveness across diverse demographic groups, and better serve society.
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