HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting 2025

This page contains information about the HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting and Eu-a-thon that took place 10-14 February 2025 in Lisbon, Portugal.

Join us for the next HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting and EU-a-thon February 10-14, 2025, Lisbon, Portugal. Located at and hosted by the Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon –, we focus on HL7 Europe FHIR Specifications and Terminologies for the European Health Data Space aiming on making existing or nascent specifications more mature.

In that light we introduce our EU-a-thon: Learn. Test. Verify. Improve. With HL7 Europe. This format will be continued at follow-up events such as the HL7 International Working Group Meeting this year in Madrid, May 10-16, or the IHE Connectathon in Vienna, June 23-27, with a growing emphasis on product testing.

During the second part of the week, HL7 EU FHIR Specifications and Terminologies are improved by Working Group session with further discussions, decisions and results. On Monday, February 10, we start with a Hospital on FHIR Workshop (at Uphill location, not on the Iscte premise).

Meeting Programme

We prepared an overview (see below) of the meeting program and a detailed schedule that is updated on a regular base. This is the programme at a glance.

Planned Schedule for the HL7 Europe WGM; Please note: all days are “divided” into quarters with breaks interspersed, we start at 9:30-11:00 (Q1) and continue 11:30-13:00 (Q2), 14:00-15:30 (Q3) and 16:00 to 17:30 (Q4).

We will start on Monday afternoon at a near-by location (UpHill, Praça José Queirós 1 Piso 4, Bloco C, 4.1, 1800-237 Lisbon) with the Hospitals on FHIR workshop 14:30–18:05 WET. There is a separate event page here, and registrations here).

Monday concludes with a Welcome Reception.

The first part of the week (schedule see above) is featuring our EU-a-thon: Learn. Test. Verify. Improve. With HL7 Europe. We are focusing on HL7 EU FHIR Specification and Terminologies:

  • European Lab Report
  • European Common / Base Profiles
  • European Patient Summary
  • Medication Prescription and Dispense 
  • Hospital Discharge Report
  • Cancer/Oncology Track
  • Imaging Report

A list of all EUa-thon tracks and track agendas can be seen here.

Further topics include HL7 Europe Affiliates Lighthouse FHIR Projects as well as Working Group Session (partially in parallel), e.g. for HL7 EU specification work, the #phoenix cancer/oncology accelerator kick-off, etc. Do you have topics to present or discuss? Please contact us!

Tuesday starts with the official Opening Ceremony and presenting HL7 Affiliates. We continue with the EU-a-thon until Wednesday afternoon, when our first Working Group Session starts. One topic is the #PHOENIX Cancer Accelerator Kick-off meeting. Wednesday evening there is a Networking Reception.

Thursday and Friday we continue the Working Group Sessions.

The meeting is concluded on Friday with a Closing Session, Awards followed by a Brown Bag Farewell Lunch.

Webinars about the HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting

We offered a Webinar on Thursday, 19 December 2024: HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting 2025 in Lisbon: a preview – Learn all about the plans and opportunities for the WGM, and ask your questions. Find the recording and presentation here.

Watch this little teaser video to get a first overview. In December, Kai Heitmann talked about the event from a window in Lisbon 🙂

There is another webinar planned on 22 January 2025 14:00 CET, with a more advanced agend, inside views on the EU-a-thon tracks and more information about the Hospital on FHIR Workshop. Please register here.

Please stay tuned and informed by visiting this page soon again.

Registration Opened – register today!

Registration is open! Please register today, visit the registration page.

Individuals that have pre-registered for the event get the Early-Bird Rate (you get a separate email with instructions).

Please make your registration today, visit the registration page.

Registration fees

Early Bird RegistrationNormal Registration Fee
until January 10th, 2025from January 11th, 2025 on
399 EUR incl V.A.T (23%)450 EUR incl V.A.T (23%)
Registration Fees for the HL7 Europe WGM

All registration fees contain Portuguese V.A.T. If you are a VAT registered company in the EU (intra community VAT number), please register with you VAT number so that we can apply the VAT reverse-charged mechanism.

More Information

We collected more information like directions, travel advice, accommodation, maps etc. here. You can also inspect the Campus map of Iscte, the event is mainly in Building 4, the Opening Plenary Session on Tuesday is exceptionally in Building 1.